Space Food
Space food is specially formulated to provide complete and balanced nutrition for individuals working in space while being easy and safe to store, prepare and consume.
Artificial Meat
Meat that can be artificially grown under the right circumstances. Provides a good source of protein and fat for humans and helps them stay strong and healthy.
Fruit is naturally high in fibre, which helps humans maintain a healthy bowel function. It also contains powerful antioxidants, and helps prevent tissue damage from free radicals.
Root Vegetables
Root vegetables are underground plant parts eaten by humans as food. Low in calories and high in antioxidants, each one contains a good dose of vitamins and minerals. Eating a variety of them is good for the health of humans.
Monster Meat
The meat of an alien creature, can be harvested from dead alien creatures. Eat it at your own risk.
Human Meat
The meat of a human, can be harvested from dead human corpses. May cause disgust, depending on who is eating.