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DevBlog #42 - Space Haven Alpha 12. - Printable Version

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DevBlog #42 - Space Haven Alpha 12. - AdmiralGeezer - 08-31-2021

See all about what is coming in Space Haven Alpha 12. Read a detailed update post on that below:

To anyone wondering, our Steam forums, Discord server and Reddit are the most active forums we have. I would like to keep this Bugbyte forum alive for the reason of having many dev blog posts from the past 5 years.
Those can be fun to read. However, I cannot start copy-pasting and formatting those very lengthy posts, time is spent better redirecting to Steam and allocating time to the game.

Steam is now our Main Hub for posting updates. Head on over there to see what's coming next!

Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/app/979110/discussions/0/
Discord: https://discord.gg/zx2AN4F
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/SpaceHaven/