Looking for a cheat or hack to unlock the new ships


Yes you are right, they were designed for new players in mind. If they would unlock too fast the new players would not have any reason to play the unlocked ships in beginning. So that was a bit of a dilemma for us.

Anyway, they do drop from endless and playing endless is the best way to get them. They drop with a % from the corresponding ship on the battlefield, so if you see a Schillae ship or Unknown ship exactly the same as the one in the select screen then there is a chance it will drop a blue print.

But in short, the more you play maps 3,4 and beyond the higher the chances are to get them.

Oh, and power wise the alien ships won't be more powerful than the best human unlockable ships. Just as a warning if you decide to grind them Smile

Messages In This Thread
RE: Looking for a cheat or hack to unlock the new ships - by AdmiralGeezer - 09-11-2016, 01:52 PM

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