Upgrades should always improve the ship! (Burst is a bit broken)


Quote:Would you like the upgrades to make the weapons better no matter how you upgrade them? Or would you want that there is a possibility that spending upgrade points in a wrong way actually makes the cannon a bit worse at times?
Yes all the options should be upgrades. BUT they should ALSO be sidegrades. That is, they should let the weapon specialize at different things while improving the weapon. This way the player could choose upgrades that don't make sense for their playstyle (don't upgrade range if you like to fight close), but they CAN'T choose upgrades that just make the weapon worse and waste points (frustrating). EndlessWar is correct to point out that burst will require very different tuning on weapons that don't require aiming, it is a fundamentally different upgrade on these types of weapon.

Messages In This Thread
Upgrades should always improve the ship! (Burst is a bit broken) - by Draikan - 11-17-2015, 02:44 AM

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