You know what would be awesome?


A thread for stupidly awesome things that will probably never make it into the game due to balance or because coding it would be prohibitively difficult and time consuming. Do not bother submitting things that aren't utterly ridiculous in some way.

My first submission - A swarm missile launcher that launches FORMATIONS of missiles. No, not burst-fire missiles. (Well, yes, that ALSO.) Missiles that spread out into a formation. The first missile launched acts as the flagship for the formation, (or the second if the first is destroyed,) and is slowed slightly. The other missiles catch up, taking up position on the missile's wing. Base launcher can be a phalanx formation of three missiles. An upgrade to burst would be a diamond formation, with the flagship missile as the head of the diamond. Another upgrade would be an 'x' formation, with the flagship missile at the center. The final upgrade would would be a reverse pyramid - a row of three, with the flag missile in the middle, followed by a row of two, just behind the flagship missile, followed by one more behind that. A dense formation designed to penetrate point defense, and broad enough to often hit fighters even if they try to jink out of the way.

Messages In This Thread
You know what would be awesome? - by Lurkily - 12-18-2015, 02:50 AM
You know what would be awesome? - by Jonesso - 12-22-2015, 09:50 AM
You know what would be awesome? - by Zekiah 2 - 12-24-2015, 02:57 AM

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