Special Items (magic)?


Just had this idea - there could be some special items, for one-time use or for constant use, or continuous use. Like, a ship could have like 0-3 additional slots, displayed off-ship on the schematics, where these items can be installed, and the GUI would allow a quick-access menu for activating them.

Some examples of special items:

- Warp inhibitor (one-time) - disable enemy jump drives so that they *for sure* won't chase the player if he escapes

- Shield-shattering wave (one-time) - same as a storm, but player shields are intact

- 0.25 Ship speed increase (full-time)

- Instant warp recharger (one-time)

- Missiles decoy (one-time) - a target that flies off the player ship, attracting all enemy missiles for some seconds

- Cloak- a vague concept

- Targeting Jammer (one time) - reduce enemy targeting precision by 25% for some time

- Gravity attractor (one time) - fires a position-targeted charge, which, when reaches the position and deploys, creates a gravity attractor, making the enemy ships slide toward it. Could be rather epic if made to also affect ordnance Big Grin

- Repulsor (one time) - throw away enemy ships

- Mirror (one-time) - reflect all energy weapons for 10 seconds (make them damage the oppresor? or just dissipate?)

- Controlled antimatter explosion charge (one-time) - a targeted weapon that creates a damaging explosion wave when reaches the designated position

- Medkit (one-time) - you get the idea

- Various kinds of assitance buildings, like deployable turrets?

- ...

And if an enemy has such abilities, there could be an icon next to its ship, corresponding this ability so that the player would know that it may be activated any time by the enemy. Would require more AI, but.. hey that would be epic! And very rogue-like! Such things could be a great asset on harder levels, and especially in the endless mode!

Idk if it's worth the hassle though.

Messages In This Thread
Special Items (magic)? - by noncom - 01-14-2016, 11:38 PM
Special Items (magic)? - by Maarek Stele - 01-15-2016, 01:53 AM
Special Items (magic)? - by joe1512 - 01-15-2016, 02:19 AM
Special Items (magic)? - by noncom - 01-18-2016, 02:04 AM
Special Items (magic)? - by martyhsu - 01-19-2016, 01:09 AM

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