Battlestation: First Contact feature requests and suggestions


I think it would be cool if you could costimize the larger ships in the home menu. This would create a new facet of stratigic planning. For example putting more expensive items on a ship would make it more expensive in-game. Each ship would have a limited number of item slots, the Missile Ship only having 2 while the Capital would have 7 (including where you put the sheilds). This level costimization would allow the player to build more specialized ships and choose how cost effective each ship is by putting less or more expensive items on it. Smile

Messages In This Thread
New Player - First Impressions and Input - by Nil - 05-26-2016, 08:57 PM
Battlestation: First Contact feature requests and suggestions - by FoxKing - 12-13-2014, 07:52 PM

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