My thoughts so far.


1. Keep in mind that you are not expected to get the entire tree in a typical game. You will generally only grab one main gun (orb) and possibly a fighter type such as misslers or gatlings, along with a few other boosts. You can move to photon torps or other more advanced guns if time allows, but typically it will not.
I don't see a problem with this.

2. Kind of agreed. However there are only so many things you can change. As stated already, cannot really vary ranges very well in this type of game. I have a big pile of suggested modules which are more specific purpose. The idea being that one can relatively quickly research a given thing and use it to counter a particular tactic. Right now it is tough to do that because many items are on top of the research list. Stuff like Visio, etc are literally unusable realistically.

3. They needed to keep the squads small for resource purposes. Allowing 5 fighters or 3-4 bombers per bay would double the units onscreen and cause performance issues. They are pretty well balanced as is.

4. Agreed but like I've said, I don't see that marines SHOULD be an easily renewable resource considering their potential power.

5. Agreed. But he already reduced the cost by 20% and there should be SOME kind of penalty for being able to repair in the middle of space in 10 seconds or so. You simply should be using repair less often and using the battlestation repair bay for slower fixes. Having a space station with this capability would help too.

6. DONE! Download new version. :-)

Messages In This Thread
My thoughts so far. - by starfox1701 - 11-07-2017, 04:12 PM
RE: My thoughts so far. - by AdmiralGeezer - 11-07-2017, 04:56 PM
RE: My thoughts so far. - by starfox1701 - 11-07-2017, 09:36 PM
RE: My thoughts so far. - by joe1512 - 11-07-2017, 07:13 PM
RE: My thoughts so far. - by joe1512 - 11-08-2017, 06:52 PM
RE: My thoughts so far. - by starfox1701 - 11-08-2017, 09:04 PM
RE: My thoughts so far. - by joe1512 - 11-08-2017, 11:39 PM
RE: My thoughts so far. - by starfox1701 - 11-16-2017, 03:45 AM
RE: My thoughts so far. - by joe1512 - 11-16-2017, 07:24 PM
RE: My thoughts so far. - by starfox1701 - 11-16-2017, 10:23 PM
RE: My thoughts so far. - by Forty In Red - 11-22-2017, 02:15 AM
RE: My thoughts so far. - by AdmiralGeezer - 11-22-2017, 08:40 AM
RE: My thoughts so far. - by joe1512 - 11-22-2017, 08:29 PM
RE: My thoughts so far. - by Forty In Red - 11-27-2017, 02:38 AM
RE: My thoughts so far. - by joe1512 - 11-29-2017, 04:45 PM

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