Copy Settings and Surrender AI



I would really enjoy having the ability to copy facility settings, especially for storages.

And the surrender AI for crew members should be improved. My crew was scouting a derelict ship. While fighting some alien bugs one of the crew members surrenderd. You cannot control a surrendering crew member, so she just walked away, hands up, blindly into the undiscovered parts of the ship. She then got eaten by other alien bugs without defending herself.
Either make them just stand still where they surrender, or, better, don't let them surrender to alien bugs. I think surrendering to alien bugs, like the one from the movie "Alien", is just... ridiculous. Wink
Well, thinking about it, maybe both should be implemented. ^^



It might be that she panicked, it has the same hands up effect =) Usually the aliens cocoon the crew member and plaster them on the wall in their lair, and you have a chance to save them from there.


(11-12-2020, 03:43 PM)AdmiralGeezer Wrote: It might be that she panicked, it has the same hands up effect =)
Ok, so that's possible. I can't remember seeing the log entry if it was a surrender or panic.

AdmiralGeezer Wrote:Usually the aliens cocoon the crew member and plaster them on the wall in their lair, and you have a chance to save them from there.
I take it that's if she had surrendered, not running around in panic?
Because she got killed by the bugs.


Bugs always aim to incapacitate and cocoon, can die randomly due to some circumstances though.

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