Misplaced decimal place on Celestial Death Ray hull damage!?


I find this thread very interesting because this hasn't been my experience through a frankly shameful quantity of gameplay. I have beaten the game numerous times on hard (I'm a level 94) and rarely have trouble with Celestials. Yes, the Celestials I face have death rays. Perhaps this is because I tend to load my ships up with maxed-out shield boosters, that end up increasing the total "health" of my ships 2-3 times.

I actually have the most trouble against Wanderers, believe it or not.

In my mind, from hardest to easiest, here is the racial breakdown:
*Trolgar / Celestial

Messages In This Thread
Misplaced decimal place on Celestial Death Ray hull damage!? - by Forty In Red - 03-15-2016, 02:16 AM

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