Hey @AdmiralGeezer and thanks for activating my forum account.
I am reading all your DevBlogs now, and I have to say you really impressed me with Space Haven concept.
Here I would like to add some suggestions regarding Explosion mayhem
You said that remnants of Earth population are now roaming space in search of new home - given that resources are low for everyone it is highly unlikely that other ships would want to destroy you.
I think enemy ships should first threaten you, and only if you don't give them what they want - they should use non-lethal weaponry to disable your ship and steal from you.
Destroying your vessel would give them far less resources than disabling and raiding it.
My second idea is for a wreckage scavenging mission:
Imagine you are flying through space, your fuel reserves are getting low, and then blimp! blimp! blimp! - your sensors notice a lone, disabled craft floating in space.
You select a single crew member to board this ship. He docks to the silent hull and begins exploring dark corridors.
Then suddenly all the lights turn on and the ship begins charging it's hyperdrive.
It turned out it was a trap ! After all crewmembers are pretty rare commodity too
If you don't manage to disable this ship you would lose the person that boarded it.
What do you think about this?
The game looks very good so far! Keep up the good work - I will do my best to help you with some ideas.