DevBlog #16 - Christmas greetings! New screenshots and footage 2.


I've been watching Haven for a while, discovered it when I was looking for a game where you can have a ship and crew and sandbox. The fact that you're going for Rimworld in Space is encouraging. However I hope you go beyond that. It was mentioned in the forums before as a possiblity and I was curious if it's still on the table. Will you be able to capture ships and have more then one ship, such as a small fleet.

Also is there a possiblity of player managed Space Stations? Either to be made/constructed by the player, or captured. Not to mention the opportunity to raid space stations. Is randomly generated planetary stuff a possibility?

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RE: DevBlog #16 - Christmas greetings! New screenshots and footage 2. - by Evmeister88 - 12-24-2017, 03:16 AM

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