Upgrades should always improve the ship! (Burst is a bit broken)


So far Burst seems most useful on weapons which just don't require aiming...which is mostly just the Missiles. And fighters.

Otherwise it seems better to usually just upgrade cooldown.

I frankly though think that there should be a balance between "Upgrade" and "Sidegrade". I like it that I can tune my ships weapons to my playstyle, but that also hinders me far too much sometimes with how lopsided the downsides are on some stuff. So I naturally am pushed away from a playstyle I otherwise like, to try and "Survive" through the game. Especially since I am not very skilled as of yet.

Messages In This Thread
Upgrades should always improve the ship! (Burst is a bit broken) - by EndlessWar - 11-16-2015, 08:16 PM

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