Upgrades should always improve the ship! (Burst is a bit broken)


I should probably add that crippling the loot frenzy contributes to what I call monofleets - fleets that are 100% projectile cannons, and one energy cannon, or fleets that are all bolter fighters, and only incidentally happen to have other weapons as well. Because the weapons the enemy drops are often crippled, and only rarely better than what I can build myself, I often find myself building an entire fleet on a single concept without any regard for drops - gatling energy cannons will get recycled into that concept, instead of finding a way to build a ship or a fleet around this awesome rare weapon.

Messages In This Thread
Upgrades should always improve the ship! (Burst is a bit broken) - by Lurkily - 11-19-2015, 02:10 PM

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