Extended Edition Android Beta Test and Feedback!


Question . . . is there anywhere to find complete changelogs? I'm assuming the changes listed are only the most major of them?


I like that allied ships try and keep a tighter formation. Makes me wish for bigger formations, so I could watch them wheel around. Thanks for that!

The only issue I have is that ships on the outside do travel extra distance now, to keep in position, and often end up lagging behind once ships are underway. It'd be nice to see them able to put on the tiniest bit of extra speed to line up their formation, but I'll take what I can get.


I'm not sure I posted this before . . . but another approach to forming up ships on the move might be to have them move directly to their final destinations - with faster ships reduced to a speed matching the flagship - then give them an additional 'nudge' of velocity towards the appropriate formation relative to the flagship's current position. This would have them take relatively direct, efficient routes, but still slowly 'settle' into place alongside the flagship, putting on slightly more speed or taking on slightly more drag, along with any strafing they needed to do, provided by that additional 'nudge'.



●In the final battle against the unknown threat all of their Battlestations clumped up in one sector.


●I wish that, if there are only enemy fighters left in a sector, that your fighters would hunt them down so that you waste less time chasing the straglers.
●Sheild Boosts are great, but pretty useless against missiles. Only if there was some sort of "Hull Renforcement". Wink
●"These alien sapce stations are holding humans captive, track them down and destory them!"....so we're not going to save the people inside? It would be more inturesting if you actualy had to board enemy ships and save hostages, something like the boarding system you have planned for Humanity's Last Hope, but simplified to be more like the Marine system in First Contact.



You got hit by an EMP, it disables your engines for a turn. Just open the sector map and press the hourglass icon. Smile


The game was challenging when I first started a new game, but once I had a second ship it was almost too easy. The only time I even came close to dying was when I had 5 or 6 enemy ships on me AND giving chase through multiple sectors. If they didn't chase me I simply repaired, let my sheilds recharge, and launched some fresh fighters and I was at full power again.


@FoxKing. Thanks for the feedback! There is supposed to be 4 stations in the final Unknown sector, if you read the dialog at one point you will see that there is a bit of tactic to be used when you jump in there.

Pressing the hour glass means you spend one turn waiting, so that is what the EMP forces you to do.

What difficulty did you play on @FoxKing? Once you had two ships and it became almost too easy?


Playing on hard with the latest update. The main mission time limit was removed!? Makes the game easier, less challenging.


@steph. Yes, we never intended to have time limit on the main missions. The feature slipped through in the first versions. Some are for it, some against it. There are perks with having it, but then again some really don't like the time limit. Now some side missions do have time limit, so that mixes it up a little.

We will see how the community echoes to this.


The side missions having a time limit is sort of silly, really. If you're under time pressure, you don't take the mission. Yet. It's the kind of thing that's only a challenge if you take it by mistake, or something goes horribly wrong. (Like you meet a sector you just can't beat without warping in and out a few times.) I think station missions shouldn't have a time limit, but some missions should be assigned randomly during travel, (like before,) and those should be time-limited. Just give us bonus time if we have a mission already, and lots of bonus time if we have two, etc.

I think the additional mission rewards will be balanced enough with the increased difficulty. Besides, I miss the escort missions. Those were fun. They made formations and manuevering matter a little more, too.

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