Extended Edition Android Beta Test and Feedback!


easy was easy,

normal had a few weird events during the first map due to building up my forces had to jump around to systems avoiding alot more then easy.

hard well i did say in 1 of my post that i experienced in the first few jumps from the start i meet ships that i could not take out with small amounts of upgrades and weapons. had to turn around keep jumping around take out 1 ship at a time and almost lost the first mission rewards by just a turn or 2.

Also it's possible to make a expert or another lvl for those that beat hard mode.

And at the same time add a button on the main page when clicked it will show the different difficulty s and the scores then having us to quit a game completely to check our scores.

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Extended Edition Android Beta Test and Feedback! - by ongspb - 11-30-2015, 06:37 PM

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