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Assembler 120x100.jpg

This assembler produces basic construction components, including Soft block, Hull blocks and Infrablocks. Enclose with walls to reduce noise and discomfort.

Advanced assembler 120x100.jpg

This advanced assembler facility is capable of producing high-tech construction components, such as tech blocks and energy blocks. Enclose with walls to reduce noise levels.

Electronic fabricator 120x100.jpg

Transforms noble metal and base metals to electronic parts. Releases hazardous gas and is noisy. Enclose with walls and a space suit door to ensure a safe working environment.

Energy refinery 120x100.jpg

Transforms energy crystal into energy rods and raw hyperium into hyperfuel. Releases hazardous gas and is noisy. Enclose with walls and a space suit door to ensure a safe working environment.

Chemical refinery 120x100.jpg

Used to produce refined chemicals. Releases hazardous gas and is noisy. Enclose with walls and a space suit door to ensure a safe working environment.

Metal refinery 120x100.jpg

Transforms carbon and base metals to steel plates. Releases heat and is noisy. Enclose with walls and a space suit door to ensure a safe working environment.