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Assembler 120x100.jpg

This assembler produces basic construction components, including Soft block, Hull blocks and Infrablocks. Enclose with walls to reduce noise and discomfort.

Advanced assembler 120x100.jpg

This advanced assembler facility is capable of producing high-tech construction components, such as tech blocks and energy blocks. Enclose with walls to reduce noise levels.

Electronic fabricator 120x100.jpg

Transforms noble metal and base metals to electronic parts. Releases hazardous gas and is noisy. Enclose with walls and a space suit door to ensure a safe working environment.

Energy refinery 120x100.jpg

Transforms energy crystal into energy rods and raw hyperium into hyperfuel. Releases hazardous gas and is noisy. Enclose with walls and a space suit door to ensure a safe working environment.

Chemical refinery 120x100.jpg

Used to produce refined chemicals. Releases hazardous gas and is noisy. Enclose with walls and a space suit door to ensure a safe working environment.

Metal refinery 120x100.jpg

Transforms carbon and base metals to steel plates. Releases heat and is noisy. Enclose with walls and a space suit door to ensure a safe working environment.

Recycler 120x100.jpg

Transforms scrap materials into a variety of usable resources. Releases heat and is noisy. Enclose with walls and a spacesuit door to ensure a safe working environment.

Micro weaver 120x100.jpg

The Micro-Weaver creates fabrics from fibers. Does not release harmful gases when operating.

Optronics fabricator 120x100.jpg

The high-tech Optronics Fabricator is capable of producing optronic components. Enclose with walls to reduce noise and discomfort.

Cell fuser 120x100.jpg

The Cell Fuser uses electronic components and energy rods to create energy cells. Enclose with walls to reduce noise and discomfort.

Water purifier 120x100.jpg

Transforms ice into purified water, essential for many life forms.

Large storage 120x100.jpg

Universal cargo storage, suitable for storing all raw and refined resources, as well as weapons and other commodities.

Life Support
Life support 120x100.jpg

This Life support module produces oxygen and is essential for humans to survive on a spaceship. Needs water to operate.

Gas scrubber 120x100.jpg

Hazardous gas scrubber. Removes CO2, smoke and toxic gases from the air. Needs only electricity to operate.

Thermal regulator 120x100.jpg

The right temperature is essential for people to survive on a ship. This module will try to maintain a certain temperature that can be manually set.

Air vent 120x100.jpg

This air vent component allows gas and temperature to pass through walls. It is great for creating more even and stable gas levels on your ship.

Crew Facilities
Kitchen 120x100.jpg

This Kitchen will prepare finished meals from raw food. Place a table and chairs nearby to create a proper dining room for your crew members.

Toilet 120x100.jpg

X1 multipurpose toilet. This toilet is hygienic and is capable of transforming human waste into usable water. Operated by a crew member.

Arcade machine 120x100.jpg

This arcade machine allows crew members to play all of the great games created by backers of Space Haven. This machine is bound to lift up the mood.

Jukebox 120x100.jpg

This jukebox plays a huge selection of the all-time favorite human songs and lifts up the mood.

Food Production
Co2 producer 120x100.jpg

Produces CO2 for plant growth. Needs carbon to operate.

Grow bed 120x100.jpg

This miniaturized farm is used to grow crops. Requires water and suitable temperature, light and CO2 levels to operate. Works best in an enclosed room with a CO2 Producer.

Science Facilities
Hypersleep chamber 120x100.jpg

Capable of suspending the body’s autonomic functions while maintaining the health of each individual cell during stasis. Uses energy rods as resource.

Medical bed 120x100.jpg

This bed is specially designed to tend to the wounds and illnesses of your crew. Build these to take better care of crew members, and enable your doctor to perform healing.