Battlevoid: Harbinger Feature Requests


The issue I have with not increasing the fleet size is an experience I had the first time I ever played on hard. I had made it just outside of the Wanderers' ship factory, and I was about to take it out, when I looked at the map and saw a fleet approaching. I waited for the fleet to catch up to me and they traveled through the sectors non stop until they reached me, so I had no clue how many ships were coming (I assumed it would be 4 or 5). They arrived, all 14 of them, and obliterated my fleet.  I experienced no lag. However, I did experience a frustration that at the very best, I'm expected to fend off 14 ships with 3 ships (however I only had one light carrier with 5 drones at the time this happened). Since then, I've been attacked by fleets of 8-10 ships, and although it's not impossible, I usually end the battles with only 1 ship remaining. So here's my idea: Just increase the max fleet size. If it causes problems, then the players for whom it causes issues will learn the limits of their phone's capabilities.  If not (because there's certainly a chance it will have no noticeable effect), then everyone is happy. Do it, for science!

Messages In This Thread
Battlestation: Harbinger Feature Requests - by Fleet Admiral Hood - 11-18-2015, 10:06 PM

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