Extended Edition iOS Beta Test and Feedback!


a +x sword makes it too easy. I was thinking about diablo-style drops with 2-5 or more "mods" (prefixes/suffixes). currently it feels like the mods are there, but not exposed to player separately, so you see the end result.
And then you can apply current upgrade mechanics on top of it.

One more suggestion: more consumables are needed. Every time I die now is because I get jumped by "adds" on hard without a means to prevent it. I use beacon, to reduce target system to 1 ship, but I have no way to know if I can jump in or need to wait a few turns to fight just that one ship due to fog of war. So if I get 1 ship +2 adds in close(especially the flak kind) I will loose at least 1 ship before FTL charges even with all the fighters around. So, it would be nice to be able to either scout 1 jump further using scrap or to prevent adds from warping in or to warp in with FTL charged.

Messages In This Thread
Extended Edition iOS Beta Test and Feedback! - by MrrVlad - 12-11-2015, 12:23 AM

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