Extended Edition Content Feedback


This is a little harsh, but it does get the point across. You are right too, many of the (fantastic) new mechanics and features do make the game more complicated for the player. I wouldn't say that they suck, just that the player needs to have the tools to counter them instead of feeling beaten by them.

Early game does feel off, especially on hard. It is very tough to get going. Hopefully this can be addressed, but I think it really is a separate issue.

The rest of your point is valid, the game feels harder and more complicated and there are fewer really strong modules that are regularly available. Try to look at the bright side though. As those outlying modules and imbalanced mechanics are brought under control, the devs will have the chance to buff and rebalance until the difficulty is just right. I'm hopeful that as all the bugs and mechanics from the new release get worked out, balance and player experience will start to get more attention. Remember, this is just the first part of the content update. Strong new ships should be out soon too!

Messages In This Thread
Extended Edition Content Feedback - by joe1512 - 12-16-2015, 12:16 AM
Extended Edition Content Feedback - by Draikan - 12-16-2015, 03:00 AM
Extended Edition Content Feedback - by joe1512 - 12-16-2015, 04:32 PM
Extended Edition Content Feedback - by joe1512 - 12-17-2015, 01:38 PM

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