DevBlog #2 - Fire, shooting and smoke!

(This post was last modified: 06-15-2016, 09:35 AM by AdmiralGeezer.)

The past 2-3 weeks have been filled with adding some effects to the game engine and testing them. We have spent time on creating a simple shooting mechanism for the characters, along with some light effects, fire effects and smoke effect. Below is a list of some notes from the past 3 weeks:

[Image: lighting2.jpg]

01.06 ->
  • Testing lighting effects, optimizing lighting to look good with the tile-based system.
  • Creating rubble and impact effects, destroying objects.
  • Creating muzzle flash and lighting effects for turrets and weapons.
  • Thinking about how fire could be implemented.

[Image: Shooting.jpg]

06.06.2016 ->
  • Creating destructible walls on buildings.
  • Created explosion on impact when particle hits.
  • Created smoke effect using an old-school trick to optimize performance.
  • Fixed bugs in our game editor.

[Image: Fire.jpg]

07.06.2016 ->
  • Creating fire.
  • A bit more time spent on the smoke effect.
  • Our intern is drawing some characters, don't know what kind we need yet as the game idea is till very open.
  • Focusing on creating the tech and game engine, drawing inspiration from features we stumble upon in the process.

[Image: EngineerStandingZoomedIn.jpg]

13.06.2016 ->
  • Adding a oxygen feature. Fire will take out the oxygen and when it ends the fire will end.
  • Creating a soldier and Engineer class character.

  • Still thinking about the overall game idea.
  • Found some new information about existing games. Trying to come up with a way to stand out.
  • Hoping the upcoming 2 weeks vacation starting 20th of June will give some clarity. First vacation in 4 years.
  • If we fail badly with this game we will be in a lot of trouble again.
  • Realizing that such is the game industry and being a game developer.
  • Will continue work again beginning of July.

  • Discussing some more about the game.
  • Is it on an alien planet, a space station somewhere in space?
  • Thinking prototyping a small base and some battle could be a good idea! Perhaps this will lead us onto something new and interesting.

[Image: 02-intro-sketch.jpg]

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Messages In This Thread
DevBlog #2 - Fire, shooting and smoke! - by AdmiralGeezer - 06-14-2016, 12:42 PM

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