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All info about facilities here.
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| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Hull stabilizer 120x100.jpg|left|link=Hull Stabilizer]]
A Hull Stabilizer reinforces the spaceship's frame, strengthening it and generally improving structural integrity. Multiple Stabilizers can work in unison to bolster the hull far beyond its normal limits.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Shields console 120x100.jpg|left|link=Shields Console]]
The Shields Console is used to operate the ship's shield systems. One console can manage all shield emitters, so long as it is manned by a crew member.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Hyperdrive 120x100.jpg|left|link=Hyperdrive]]
The spaceship hyperdrive. This module combined with a bridge enables the spaceship to hyperjump between solar system areas. Needs a crew member to operate.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Operations console 120x100.jpg|left|link=Operations Console]]
The operations console is used to hail other spaceships and communicate with their crew. It is also used to control scanner modules. Needs crew member to operate.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Weapons console 120x100.jpg|left|link=Weapons Console]]
The weapons console is used to control the various turrets of the spaceship. One console is capable of controlling all turrets in the spaceship, as long as a crew member is stationed at the console.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Navigations console 120x100.jpg|left|link=Navigations Console]]
This navigation console combined with a hyperdrive enables the spaceship to hyperjump between solar system areas. Needs a crew member to operate.
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|+Weapon Systems
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Energy turret 120x100.jpg|left|link=Energy Turret]]
This turret fires a pulse of concentrated energy at a target, stripping its shields and damaging its hull. Turrets are operated from the weapons console.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Missile turret 120x100.jpg|left|link=Missile Turret]]
This missile turret fires self-propelled guided explosive munition (Not effective against shields). Should hopefully ruin someone's day. Turrets are operated from the weapons console.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Shield generator 120x100.jpg|left|link=Shield Generator]]
Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the ship. Uses power to recharge. Shield generators are controlled by the shields console.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Scanner 120x100.jpg|left|link=Scanner]]
This scanner module can partially reveal the interior of another ship, and is controlled from the operations console. Scanning only works on ships and stations, which have functional power generation.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Targeting jammer 120x100.jpg|left|link=Targeting Jammer]]
An electronic countermeasure that confuses all turret targeting systems within its range of effect. So long as the jammer is online, the ship can neither be targeted by hostiles, nor target them in turn.
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| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Assembler_120x100.jpg|left|link=Assembler]]
This assembler produces basic construction components, including Soft block, Hull blocks and Infrablocks. Enclose with walls to reduce noise and discomfort.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Advanced assembler 120x100.jpg|left|link=Advanced Assembler]]
This advanced assembler facility is capable of producing high-tech construction components, such as tech blocks and energy blocks. Enclose with walls to reduce noise levels.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Metal refinery 120x100.jpg|left|link=Metal Refinery]]
Transforms carbon and base metals to steel plates and noble metal and base metals to electronic parts. Releases heat and is noisy. Enclose with walls and a space suit door to ensure a safe working environment.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Energy refinery 120x100.jpg|left|link=Energy Refinery]]
Transforms energy crystal into energy rods and raw hyperium into hyperfuel. Releases hazardous gas and is noisy. Enclose with walls and a space suit door to ensure a safe working environment.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Chemical refinery 120x100.jpg|left|link=Chemical Refinery]]
Used to produce refined chemicals. Releases hazardous gas and is noisy. Enclose with walls and a space suit door to ensure a safe working environment.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Optronics fabricator 120x100.jpg|left|link=Optronics Fabricator]]
The high-tech Optronics Fabricator is capable of producing optronic components and energy cells. Enclose with walls to reduce noise and discomfort.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Recycler 120x100.jpg|left|link=Recycler]]
Transforms scrap materials into a variety of usable resources. Releases heat and is noisy. Enclose with walls and a spacesuit door to ensure a safe working environment.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Micro weaver 120x100.jpg|left|link=Micro-Weaver]]
The Micro-Weaver creates fabrics from fibers. Does not release harmful gases when operating.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Water purifier 120x100.jpg|left|link=Water Purifier]]
Transforms ice into purified water, essential for many life forms.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Water collector icon 120x100.jpg|left|link=Water Collector]]
This Water Collector reclaims water vapor from the air and condenses it back to liquid water. Place it close to grow beds for maximum efficiency.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Composter icon 120x100.jpg|left|link=The Composter]]
This composter recycles organic waste materials into water and useful materials.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Large storage 120x100.jpg|left|link=Large Storage]]
Universal cargo storage, suitable for storing all raw and refined resources, as well as weapons and other commodities.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Body storage 120x100.jpg|left|link=Body Storage]]
The body storage is a facility used for the storage of human and alien corpses awaiting to be further processed.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Tools facility 120x100.jpg|left|link=Tools Facility]]
Creates build tools for your crew members. Essential for construction. Crew members will automatically replenish their inventory as long as there are infra blocks on the ship.
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| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Shuttle hangar 120x100.jpg|left|link=Shuttle Hangar]]
This shuttle hangar acts as a home hangar for one of your shuttles. It can also construct new shuttles if it is not already reserved for an existing shuttle.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Pod hangar 120x100.jpg|left|link=Pod Hangar]]
Acts as a home hangar for one of your mining pods or other pod vessels. It can also construct new pods as long as it is not reserved for an existing pod.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:X1 airlock 120x100.jpg|left|link=X1 Airlock]]
Standard X1 model airlock to enable mining pods and shuttles to dock to your ship and unload cargo. Also used for crew missions. 
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Space suit locker 120x100.jpg|left|link=Space Suit Locker]]
This space suit locker stores space suits for your crew members.
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| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Spacesuit door 120x100.jpg|left|link=Spacesuit Door]]
This space suit door enables a safe working environment. It allows crew members to put on a space suit when entering a hazardous area.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:X1 door v1 120x100.jpg|left|link=X1 Airlock]]
Standard X1 model door for purposes of creating rooms and privacy. Contains a built-in vent.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Gray wall 120x100.jpg|left|link=Walls]]
Use this standard wall to partition your ship. Combine with doors to create rooms.
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| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Core module 120x100.jpg|left|link=Power Generator]]
The beating heart of your ship. Transforms energy rods into power to supply other facilities. Link to free-standing and wall mounted pylons to distribute power throughout your spaceship.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Power node 120x100.jpg|left|link=Power Node]]
This power node will distribute power to facilites and lights within a radius. Open up the power view mode to see how the power grid is set up.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Power capacity node 120x100.jpg|left|link=Power Capacity Node]]
This battery will store a limited amount of power to cover sudden bursts of power consumption, or power grid failures.
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|+Life Support
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Life support 120x100.jpg|left|link=Life Support]]
This oxygen generator produces oxygen and is essential for humans to survive on a spaceship. Needs water to operate.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Gas scrubber 120x100.jpg|left|link=Gas Scrubber]]
Hazardous gas scrubber. Removes CO2, smoke and toxic gases from the air. Needs only electricity to operate.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Thermal regulator 120x100.jpg|left|link=Thermal Regulator]]
The right temperature is essential for people to survive on a ship. This module will try to maintain a certain temperature that can be manually set.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Air vent 120x100.jpg|left|link=Air Vent]]
This air vent component allows gas and temperature to pass through walls. It is great for creating more even and stable gas levels on your ship.
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|+Crew Facilities
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Kitchen 120x100.jpg|left|link=Kitchen]]
This Kitchen will prepare finished meals from raw food. Place a table and chairs nearby to create a proper dining room for your crew members.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Algae dispenser 120x100.jpg|left|link=Algae Dispenser]]
Nobody likes eating algae, but it's marginally better than starving to death. Keeps the crew alive but can affect their health and mood due to an unpleasant texture and sub-optimal nutrient levels. This facility does not produce crates, crew members use it directly to acquire a meal for themselves if there's nothing better to eat.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Toilet 120x100.jpg|left|link=Toilet]]
X1 multipurpose toilet. This toilet is hygienic and is capable of transforming human waste into usable water. Operated by a crew member.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Arcade machine 120x100.jpg|left|link=Arcade Machine]]
This arcade machine allows crew members to play all of the great games created by backers of Space Haven. This machine is bound to lift up the mood.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Jukebox 120x100.jpg|left|link=Jukebox]]
This jukebox plays a huge selection of the all-time favorite human songs and lifts up the mood.
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| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:X1 couch 120x100.jpg|left|link=X1 Couch]]
Standard X1 model couch. Sometimes you need to sit down and relax a little.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Bed 120x100.jpg|left|link=Bed]]
A comfortable bed for your crew to sleep in. Gives better rest for your crew members than sleeping on the floor.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:X1 table 120x100.jpg|left|link=X1 Table]]
A standard X1 model kitchen table gives your crew a place to relax and eat. Combine with some chairs for best results.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Light 120x100.jpg|left|link=Light]]
Creates light so that your crew members can see what they are doing. Light also increases comfort for your crew. Needs a small amount of power to operate.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:X1 chair 120x100.jpg|left|link=X1 Chair]]
Standard X1 model chair. Place next to a table to give your crew a comfortable place to eat their meals.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Cover object 120x100.jpg|left|link=Cover Object]]
Provides some cover from enemy fire and creates good defense positions against enemy intruders when placed strategically.
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|+Food Production
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Co2 producer 120x100.jpg|left|link=Co2 Producer]]
Produces CO2 for plant growth. Needs carbon to operate.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Grow bed 120x100.jpg|left|link=Grow Bed]]
This miniaturized farm is used to grow crops. Requires water and suitable temperature, light and CO2 levels to operate. Works best in an enclosed room with a CO2 Producer.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Autopsy table 120x100.jpg|left|link=Autopsy Table]]
The autopsy table enables crew members to dissect and butcher various creatures. Use the medical priority to assign a crew member to the task.
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|+Science Facilities
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Research lab 120x100.jpg|left|link=Research Lab]]
Contains archived scientific data from Earth. Crew members with the Research skill may operate it to unlock more advanced technology.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Research workbench 120x100.jpg|left|link=Research Workbench]]
The Research workbench is used for reverse engineering purposes, supporting research efforts to invent new technologies. Crew members can disassemble mechanical items, dissect biological entities and experiment with various resources to discover valuable information. Some research modules require a research workbench to be unlocked.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Hypersleep chamber 120x100.jpg|left|link=Hypersleep Chamber]]
Capable of suspending the body’s autonomic functions while maintaining the health of each individual cell during stasis. Uses energy rods as resource.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Medical bed 120x100.jpg|left|link=Medical Bed]]
This bed is specially designed to tend to the wounds and illnesses of your crew. Build these to take better care of crew members, and enable your doctor to perform healing.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Enslavement facility 120x100.jpg|left|link=Enslavement Facility]]
This enslavement facility is used to install slave collars on new slaves and to recharge slave collars on existing slaves. Slave collars can be produced with the item fabricator.
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| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Logistics robot station 120x100.jpg|left|link=Logistics Robot Station]]
A logistics robot station is capable of constructing a logistics robot, and also acts as a home station for one (1) such robot. Logistics robots only charge themselves at their specified home station.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Salvage robot station 120x100.jpg|left|link=Salvage Robot Station]]
A salvage robot station is capable of constructing a salvage robot, and also acts as a home station for one (1) such robot. Salvage robots are capable of salvaging resources from facilities on derelict spaceships and stations. Salvage robots only charge themselves at their specified home station.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Robot storage 120x100.jpg|left|link=Robot Storage]]
The robot storage is a facility used for the storage of robot and android corpses awaiting to be further processed.
| class="facilities_rowbox" |[[File:Robot workbench 120x100.jpg|left|link=Robot Workbench]]
The robot workbench is a facility used to pick apart robot and android remains, and scrap them for any usable resources that can be found.

Latest revision as of 12:29, 19 November 2021

Hull stabilizer 120x100.jpg

A Hull Stabilizer reinforces the spaceship's frame, strengthening it and generally improving structural integrity. Multiple Stabilizers can work in unison to bolster the hull far beyond its normal limits.

Shields console 120x100.jpg

The Shields Console is used to operate the ship's shield systems. One console can manage all shield emitters, so long as it is manned by a crew member.

Hyperdrive 120x100.jpg

The spaceship hyperdrive. This module combined with a bridge enables the spaceship to hyperjump between solar system areas. Needs a crew member to operate.

Operations console 120x100.jpg

The operations console is used to hail other spaceships and communicate with their crew. It is also used to control scanner modules. Needs crew member to operate.

Weapons console 120x100.jpg

The weapons console is used to control the various turrets of the spaceship. One console is capable of controlling all turrets in the spaceship, as long as a crew member is stationed at the console.

Navigations console 120x100.jpg

This navigation console combined with a hyperdrive enables the spaceship to hyperjump between solar system areas. Needs a crew member to operate.

Weapon Systems
Energy turret 120x100.jpg

This turret fires a pulse of concentrated energy at a target, stripping its shields and damaging its hull. Turrets are operated from the weapons console.

Missile turret 120x100.jpg

This missile turret fires self-propelled guided explosive munition (Not effective against shields). Should hopefully ruin someone's day. Turrets are operated from the weapons console.

Shield generator 120x100.jpg

Forms a continually regenerating protective energy shield around the ship. Uses power to recharge. Shield generators are controlled by the shields console.

Scanner 120x100.jpg

This scanner module can partially reveal the interior of another ship, and is controlled from the operations console. Scanning only works on ships and stations, which have functional power generation.

Targeting jammer 120x100.jpg

An electronic countermeasure that confuses all turret targeting systems within its range of effect. So long as the jammer is online, the ship can neither be targeted by hostiles, nor target them in turn.

Assembler 120x100.jpg

This assembler produces basic construction components, including Soft block, Hull blocks and Infrablocks. Enclose with walls to reduce noise and discomfort.

Advanced assembler 120x100.jpg

This advanced assembler facility is capable of producing high-tech construction components, such as tech blocks and energy blocks. Enclose with walls to reduce noise levels.

Metal refinery 120x100.jpg

Transforms carbon and base metals to steel plates and noble metal and base metals to electronic parts. Releases heat and is noisy. Enclose with walls and a space suit door to ensure a safe working environment.

Energy refinery 120x100.jpg

Transforms energy crystal into energy rods and raw hyperium into hyperfuel. Releases hazardous gas and is noisy. Enclose with walls and a space suit door to ensure a safe working environment.

Chemical refinery 120x100.jpg

Used to produce refined chemicals. Releases hazardous gas and is noisy. Enclose with walls and a space suit door to ensure a safe working environment.

Optronics fabricator 120x100.jpg

The high-tech Optronics Fabricator is capable of producing optronic components and energy cells. Enclose with walls to reduce noise and discomfort.

Recycler 120x100.jpg

Transforms scrap materials into a variety of usable resources. Releases heat and is noisy. Enclose with walls and a spacesuit door to ensure a safe working environment.

Micro weaver 120x100.jpg

The Micro-Weaver creates fabrics from fibers. Does not release harmful gases when operating.

Water purifier 120x100.jpg

Transforms ice into purified water, essential for many life forms.

Water collector icon 120x100.jpg

This Water Collector reclaims water vapor from the air and condenses it back to liquid water. Place it close to grow beds for maximum efficiency.

Composter icon 120x100.jpg

This composter recycles organic waste materials into water and useful materials.

Large storage 120x100.jpg

Universal cargo storage, suitable for storing all raw and refined resources, as well as weapons and other commodities.

Body storage 120x100.jpg

The body storage is a facility used for the storage of human and alien corpses awaiting to be further processed.

Tools facility 120x100.jpg

Creates build tools for your crew members. Essential for construction. Crew members will automatically replenish their inventory as long as there are infra blocks on the ship.

Shuttle hangar 120x100.jpg

This shuttle hangar acts as a home hangar for one of your shuttles. It can also construct new shuttles if it is not already reserved for an existing shuttle.

Pod hangar 120x100.jpg

Acts as a home hangar for one of your mining pods or other pod vessels. It can also construct new pods as long as it is not reserved for an existing pod.

X1 airlock 120x100.jpg

Standard X1 model airlock to enable mining pods and shuttles to dock to your ship and unload cargo. Also used for crew missions.

Space suit locker 120x100.jpg

This space suit locker stores space suits for your crew members.

Spacesuit door 120x100.jpg

This space suit door enables a safe working environment. It allows crew members to put on a space suit when entering a hazardous area.

X1 door v1 120x100.jpg

Standard X1 model door for purposes of creating rooms and privacy. Contains a built-in vent.

Gray wall 120x100.jpg

Use this standard wall to partition your ship. Combine with doors to create rooms.

Core module 120x100.jpg

The beating heart of your ship. Transforms energy rods into power to supply other facilities. Link to free-standing and wall mounted pylons to distribute power throughout your spaceship.

Power node 120x100.jpg

This power node will distribute power to facilites and lights within a radius. Open up the power view mode to see how the power grid is set up.

Power capacity node 120x100.jpg

This battery will store a limited amount of power to cover sudden bursts of power consumption, or power grid failures.

Life Support
Life support 120x100.jpg

This oxygen generator produces oxygen and is essential for humans to survive on a spaceship. Needs water to operate.

Gas scrubber 120x100.jpg

Hazardous gas scrubber. Removes CO2, smoke and toxic gases from the air. Needs only electricity to operate.

Thermal regulator 120x100.jpg

The right temperature is essential for people to survive on a ship. This module will try to maintain a certain temperature that can be manually set.

Air vent 120x100.jpg

This air vent component allows gas and temperature to pass through walls. It is great for creating more even and stable gas levels on your ship.

Crew Facilities
Kitchen 120x100.jpg

This Kitchen will prepare finished meals from raw food. Place a table and chairs nearby to create a proper dining room for your crew members.

Algae dispenser 120x100.jpg

Nobody likes eating algae, but it's marginally better than starving to death. Keeps the crew alive but can affect their health and mood due to an unpleasant texture and sub-optimal nutrient levels. This facility does not produce crates, crew members use it directly to acquire a meal for themselves if there's nothing better to eat.

Toilet 120x100.jpg

X1 multipurpose toilet. This toilet is hygienic and is capable of transforming human waste into usable water. Operated by a crew member.

Arcade machine 120x100.jpg

This arcade machine allows crew members to play all of the great games created by backers of Space Haven. This machine is bound to lift up the mood.

Jukebox 120x100.jpg

This jukebox plays a huge selection of the all-time favorite human songs and lifts up the mood.

X1 couch 120x100.jpg

Standard X1 model couch. Sometimes you need to sit down and relax a little.

Bed 120x100.jpg

A comfortable bed for your crew to sleep in. Gives better rest for your crew members than sleeping on the floor.

X1 table 120x100.jpg

A standard X1 model kitchen table gives your crew a place to relax and eat. Combine with some chairs for best results.

Light 120x100.jpg

Creates light so that your crew members can see what they are doing. Light also increases comfort for your crew. Needs a small amount of power to operate.

X1 chair 120x100.jpg

Standard X1 model chair. Place next to a table to give your crew a comfortable place to eat their meals.

Cover object 120x100.jpg

Provides some cover from enemy fire and creates good defense positions against enemy intruders when placed strategically.

Food Production
Co2 producer 120x100.jpg

Produces CO2 for plant growth. Needs carbon to operate.

Grow bed 120x100.jpg

This miniaturized farm is used to grow crops. Requires water and suitable temperature, light and CO2 levels to operate. Works best in an enclosed room with a CO2 Producer.

Autopsy table 120x100.jpg

The autopsy table enables crew members to dissect and butcher various creatures. Use the medical priority to assign a crew member to the task.

Science Facilities
Research lab 120x100.jpg

Contains archived scientific data from Earth. Crew members with the Research skill may operate it to unlock more advanced technology.

Research workbench 120x100.jpg

The Research workbench is used for reverse engineering purposes, supporting research efforts to invent new technologies. Crew members can disassemble mechanical items, dissect biological entities and experiment with various resources to discover valuable information. Some research modules require a research workbench to be unlocked.

Hypersleep chamber 120x100.jpg

Capable of suspending the body’s autonomic functions while maintaining the health of each individual cell during stasis. Uses energy rods as resource.

Medical bed 120x100.jpg

This bed is specially designed to tend to the wounds and illnesses of your crew. Build these to take better care of crew members, and enable your doctor to perform healing.

Enslavement facility 120x100.jpg

This enslavement facility is used to install slave collars on new slaves and to recharge slave collars on existing slaves. Slave collars can be produced with the item fabricator.

Logistics robot station 120x100.jpg

A logistics robot station is capable of constructing a logistics robot, and also acts as a home station for one (1) such robot. Logistics robots only charge themselves at their specified home station.

Salvage robot station 120x100.jpg

A salvage robot station is capable of constructing a salvage robot, and also acts as a home station for one (1) such robot. Salvage robots are capable of salvaging resources from facilities on derelict spaceships and stations. Salvage robots only charge themselves at their specified home station.

Robot storage 120x100.jpg

The robot storage is a facility used for the storage of robot and android corpses awaiting to be further processed.

Robot workbench 120x100.jpg

The robot workbench is a facility used to pick apart robot and android remains, and scrap them for any usable resources that can be found.