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There's two types of aliens in the game, the small crawler and a bigger hauler.

The crawler has four limbs and is quite slow. It attacks using a melee attack, biting targets next to it. The bites cause bite wounds, which may develop into bleeding wounds. The crawlers aim to incapacitate their prey, so that the haulers can come and create cocoons of the poor incapacitated prey.

The hauler is bigger and uses a float mechanism to move. It is also capable of dashing forward like a squid in water, by using it's body and tentacles to create a forward motion force. This allows it to close gaps quickly and get close to its prey. Once near, it will attack with a melee attack and aim to incapacitate its prey. Once incapacitated the hauler will cocoon its prey and haul it to the alien lair, where it plasters the cocoon to a wall close to alien eggs.

The aliens also have a lair, where eggs are born close to the lair core spreading out alien lair membrane.