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  You know what would be awesome?
Posted by: Lurkily - 12-18-2015, 02:50 AM - Replies (3)

A thread for stupidly awesome things that will probably never make it into the game due to balance or because coding it would be prohibitively difficult and time consuming. Do not bother submitting things that aren't utterly ridiculous in some way.

My first submission - A swarm missile launcher that launches FORMATIONS of missiles. No, not burst-fire missiles. (Well, yes, that ALSO.) Missiles that spread out into a formation. The first missile launched acts as the flagship for the formation, (or the second if the first is destroyed,) and is slowed slightly. The other missiles catch up, taking up position on the missile's wing. Base launcher can be a phalanx formation of three missiles. An upgrade to burst would be a diamond formation, with the flagship missile as the head of the diamond. Another upgrade would be an 'x' formation, with the flagship missile at the center. The final upgrade would would be a reverse pyramid - a row of three, with the flag missile in the middle, followed by a row of two, just behind the flagship missile, followed by one more behind that. A dense formation designed to penetrate point defense, and broad enough to often hit fighters even if they try to jink out of the way.

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  Patch notes
Posted by: Draikan - 12-17-2015, 09:05 PM - Replies (4)

Could we get some patch notes with each release? It is really hard to know what has changed. If we have patch notes we can give better feedback!

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  A big thank you to all beta testers, and to our community. Merry Christmas!
Posted by: AdmiralGeezer - 12-16-2015, 01:51 PM - Replies (1)


It has been an eventful year, this was the year that Battlestation progressed to the next level. It was a lot of hard work but fortunately it paid off in a way that we were able to continue, and now we can make more!

We just want to thank everyone here in our community, and a big thank you to all of our beta testers. You have helped us make Harbinger better and I'm sure you will keep on helping us in the future.

We will withdraw for a Christmas break here soon, and we will see you again next year.

Meanwhile, just play the heck out of Harbinger and keep giving us feedback. Next year in January or February we will launch the game on Steam, and that will be an exciting moment. We hope that your are with us all the way! Remember to go wishlist and follow the game on Steam:

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="646" height="190"></iframe>

Open in browser:
Open directly in Steam: Battlestation: Harbinger Steam Store Page

Merry Christmas, Commanders!

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  Harbinger PC Early Access Feedback
Posted by: AdmiralGeezer - 12-16-2015, 12:41 PM - Replies (81)


This thread is for the Kickstarter backers, who pledged to receive the Early Access version now before Christmas Smile

Please, give us your feedback. Below are features that we think you, as PC players, would want. Do you agree?

  • Bandboxing.
  • Precise controls, more precise interface.
  • More content, more complexity to the game play overall.
  • More complexity to targeting. Targeting individual fighters.
  • Targeting ship systems.
  • Move own individual fighters around.

What more comes to your mind? Please don't spare anything, good or bad. As this is our chance to make the game better, together with you!

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  Extended Edition Content Feedback
Posted by: joe1512 - 12-16-2015, 12:16 AM - Replies (5)

I have been a big fan of this game, always finding out new capabilities and strategies. I have however been rather disappointed with the extended edition however. It does have a LOT of new content, but the content is designed to "suck".
Thusly, the game balance is thrown quite a bit off because of so much suck piling on top of each other, with very little things to actually aid the player or balance the scales.

Lets look...

1) Caches - Mostly trapped now. A new feature that only sucks for the player. Rewards are the same as before.

2) New terrain. Sucks for the player. Causes trouble advancing due to inability to repair. Incurs repair bills needlessly. Blows up your fighters, drains shields, thus causing more losses due to lack of readiness. Halts you so enemies can dogpile you.
Really causes problems escaping from failed fights.

3) Weapon balance. Mostly sucks for player. No more turbo-particle cannon spam for a relatively cheap way to get up and going. No more burst megaplasma fun.

4) Enemies run away. Sucks cuz you have to chase them, lose out on turns, or just lose out on cash.

5) Space stations have random items for sale which is more realistic and interesting. But it sucks because before you were guaranteed MegaPlasma guns. Now you get mediocre junk usually.

6) Smarter AI = sucks for player.

7) Crazy spawning fighter madness where enemy spits out like 20 of them. wtf? Sucks.

8) Roving bands of nemesis that warp in right on top of you. Ok, this is about same as last time but is the most common way to die lategame.

9) More factories = more roving warships earlier. Much less time to plink at fighter groups to scavenge cash and explore before running into ships you LITERALLY cannot damage (on hard due to no money).

10) Tougher bases = good opportunity to lose. Lost vs the nemesis bases. Despite screens of fighters, etc, they simply blasted my main ship with long range energy weapons and I lose in 4 seconds. Yay.

11) Harder quests. They are more intricate and yet pay the same. This sucks.

This adds up to a very frustrating game. I CANNOT IMAGINE trying to play this game as a level 1 noob with Nightengale!!
I can BARELy put up a winning game with a freaking Capitol ship or heavy carrier. Even on easy. Something ALWAYS seems to come up.
On medium I usually dont make it to the 3rd map.

Here are a few ideas to mitigate this:

1) Difficulty should NOT have such a huge impact on cash initially. Hard is just ridiculous as you have to find a cache or you cant even hurt enemy big ships. Medium is fairly bad.

2) More ways to get to select advanced weapons. I would add a new friendly Merchant ship that has 3 slots filled and offers money-quests instead of mercenary rewards.
Stations could be 9 slots instead of 4, with a weapon for each category. INCLUDING decent POINT DEFENSE options.
It is too annoying to find great weapons that dont fit your current strategy but would have been great last game, etc.

3) The "reward item" at the end of a map is kind of a joke. It is only marginally better than a stock weapon. Needs much better stats.

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  Kickstarter participant options
Posted by: MrrVlad - 12-15-2015, 08:12 PM - Replies (1)

I'd like to clarify what is the desired way a kickstarter participant like me should get the game.
Currently I have a test-flight version of ios app. Do I have a right for real ios app?
How do I get a PC version when it's released? Steam?

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