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  Thoughts on Endless Mode
Posted by: Azhrei - 03-16-2016, 07:14 PM - No Replies

So I'm up to map 23 on my hard endless run with no sign of significant resistance to be seen. The first 5-8 maps were difficult with me occasionally losing escort ships and their valuable weapon loadouts. By now though I've got such insanely upgraded weaponry and spares loaded on-board all three of my ships that even if I lose one escort, it's replacement is up and running with nearly a full complement of powerful weaponry. I'm not arguing against the power creep as what is keeping me playing is wondering what next stupidly powerful gun I'll find next, it's fun to unwrap new presents! But I do think the enemy AI needs to change at later endless maps to compensate. I understand that the enemy ships have the chance to get just as insane weaponry as I have but they don't stay in large enough groups to offer significant resistance. The only times I ever have to tread cautiously is when I get to the final sector on endless stages and their 4 starbases or factory sectors that have fleets who don't pay attention to my distress beacons.

An idea I had was to add Nemesis fleets. Have the factories occasionally spawn a set of ships, 2-5 let's say, that always stay together and jump towards the player's fleet just like the Nemesis. Maybe even send a warning to the player that the fleet has spawned and is after them, like the enemy fleet admiral sends a taunting message saying he'll destroy you. This would keep people on their toes even after they've gotten a lot of powerful weaponry and force the player to really think about where they want to jump, knowing there might be a fleet gunning for them.

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  Introduce yourself, Commander!
Posted by: AdmiralGeezer - 03-16-2016, 09:54 AM - Replies (35)


I thought it would be nice to get to know each other here a little more. Say as much or as little as you like about yourself.

Some questions you could answer:

  • How old are you? Male or female?
    <li>What introduced you to Battlestation (Where did you hear from it)?
  • What is your favorite other game or games? What kind of games do you like?
  • What do you usually eat for breakfast?
  • First game you ever played?

I will start below!

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  Installation from Google Play
Posted by: Tweely - 03-13-2016, 07:02 PM - Replies (1)

I just downloaded the Battlestation Harbinger game. However, It is installed two times in my device. One is named Battlestation Harbinger, the second is just Harbinger. I can play the game with both of them. The question is, which one is the correct one (which will be updated etc.), and which one can I safely unistall?
Thanks in advance for your answer!

Anyways, I really like the game! Keep up the good work!

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Posted by: Kirad - 03-11-2016, 07:26 PM - Replies (7)

I think that i am the first who has this idea about multiplayer. But let s get to the topic. Multiplayer could make this game really AWESOME. I think that every player will love the multiplayer. You can add some gamemodes, such as defending the battlestation against other players, players vs. players/AI or somehing like that. Maps will be much bigger because normal map will be too small. That is enough for multiplayer i think. But now i do not know what else can i write about it.

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  Review/Analysis of the new Ships
Posted by: joe1512 - 03-11-2016, 02:56 PM - Replies (10)

Kudos to the devs for working hard to give us a lot of new ships to play with!

My first comment is that there needs to be a reason to play any given ship.
Typically, once a player has leveled up enough to get past a ship, they rarely go back, except for a challenge maybe.

All these new ships as far as I can tell will unlock AFTER the current set ends (i.e. Armada capitol ship)
Hence none of them are meant to be intermediate ships I don't think.

First, lets look at stats of our existing Tier 5 ships (i.e. ship has 5 big slots):

Armada. 5 guns, 0 bays, 8 Point Def, 2000/600
Valhalla 3 guns, 2 bays, 6 PD, 900/500
Liberator 4 guns, 1 bay, 7 PD, 1000/500

I've always maintained that the Liberator is underpowered and its health should split the difference between the 2 bay and 0 bay ships.
It is a full tier above the other 2 choices as sidekicks however.

I for one welcome our new Tier 6 Overlord ships!

HARBINGER - 2 guns, FOUR bays(!), 8 PD, 1400/500 Slooooww.
OMG this is an amazing ship. PD guns are angled frontwards somewhat.
Huge health for a carrier.
It gains WAY too many good stats for the bit of speed it gives up.
This is the best ship in the game and it makes the beginning of the game quite a bit easier due to ability to mass Fighters really fast and overwhelm enemy Point Defense.

ERISHKGAL - 4 gun, 1 bay, 9 PD, 1600/450.
Not quite a tier 6 ship, but still a full tier above the existing Liberator, due to the Big boost in health and 2 extra point defense.
Definitely a good ship and an excellent new "Best Sidekick" ship.
Still needs a 5th gun though to make it competitive with the other 2 Tier 6 ships, which of course would make it too strong of a sidekick.

VALIANT - 4 gun, 2 bay, 12 PD, 1600/600.
The third Tier 6 ship I suppose. Another extremely strong offering.
12 PD is insane making this an amazing bully-ship at short range or providing an absolute ton of potential shields.
This will likely be my new favorite due to its excellent balance of bays and guns and toughness.

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  Misplaced decimal place on Celestial Death Ray hull damage!?
Posted by: TeeKayL - 03-11-2016, 12:31 PM - Replies (19)

So, in the first few hours of Battlestation: Harbinger I played, I noticed I had far more trouble getting through celestial sectors than any other. This is because groups of celestial ships will hit my ships with an insane amount of damage, from fairly long range, so quickly that my FTL drive can't even charge before they've vaporized at least one of my ships.

I noticed the weapon they were using to accomplish this is a death ray. I had found a death ray before, but I believe it was Trolgar (maybe wanderer?). It did about 150 shield and 60 hull damage.

Then, I found a celestial death ray, which did about 200 shield damage and over 400 damage to hull., with the same recharge time as the Trolgar death ray.

I have since found more death rays, some celestial, some not, and without fail, the non-celestial death rays are mediocre weapons, and the celestial death rays do 200+ shield and 400+ hull damage. Suddenly, celestial sectors being unreasonably difficult makes sense.

But I believe the 400 hull damage is a bug, the celestial death ray is supposed to deal far less hull damage, and that the developer misplaced a decimal.

Here are my reasons:
1. The current damage of the celestial death ray is game-breakingly overpowered.
2. When you attempt to upgrade the hull damage, it only increases by about 10 (about 2.5%), despite most weapons gaining more like 15-20% damage from an upgrade. Even upgrading the shield damage on the celestial death ray adds about 22 damage (10%).
3. 40 hull and 220 shield damage seems like a reasonable amount of damage, compared to other death rays. This would make the celestial death ray deal more shield damage, but less hull damage, than other races' death rays.

Anyway, bug or not, the celestial death ray is absolutely overpowered right now. When the enemies have them, it feels like there's no way to counter them. They have long range, so you can't really out-range them. They're a ray, so you can't dodge them. I've tried shielding ships that are taking damage with other ships, but often they vaporize my ship so fast that I don't even have time to move my other ship in front of the one that's being attacked. The only counter-strategy seems to be to send my drones to attack the enemy ship and hope it targets my drones instead of my ships, which only sometimes works, and doesn't work when you're facing 4+ ships at once.

For the player, the celestial death ray is so good there seems to be no reason to use anything else. It has good range, high accuracy, instant velocity, high shield damage and very high hull damage!

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