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  Tutorial Bugs - Stage 1
Posted by: h0bb1tm1ndtr1x - 03-11-2016, 01:59 AM - Replies (2)


I noticed a couple bugs during my run of the first tutorial. I took some screenshots but wasn't sure if there was a report feature, so here's a forum post!

Bug #1: The turret texture is off center from the mounting point on the ship.

Bug #2: Similar to the first. The turret appears on the screen, even though the ship doesn't, during the hostile drone cut scene.

Bug #3: This one I discovered via my impatience so I'll list the steps I took. Blow up the drone after 2nd jump, directed to view star map, view and then hit Esc. The tutorial cut scene to "Click Here" will still happen, requiring you to hit Esc.

Sorry if any of these are already known or reported frequently. I just happened to try the tutorial for the hell of it and noticed these issues.

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  Extended Edition part 2/2 Mobile beta test!
Posted by: AdmiralGeezer - 03-10-2016, 03:40 PM - Replies (75)


This beta test is to find out all bugs and faults so that we can fix them, we need your help doing that! So all of you who have bought the game follow the instructions below. NOTE! You have to have the game bought on Google Play or Apple App Store to participate.


Send a mail to [email protected] with headline "Apple beta test" and you will be invited. This beta test will not be open for long.


When you have joined using that link, go to my applications in Google Play and you should be able to update Harbinger like below:

[Image: Screenshot_2015-11-27-15-42-49.png]

Remember! Do not uninstall the game at any point if you want to keep your progress. The game does not have Cloud Save. Instead, join the beta test program and update the game with the official new version once it hits the store.

Please report all bugs and feedback in this thread!

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  New player with a bit of feedback on the game
Posted by: Falaris - 03-09-2016, 11:06 AM - Replies (1)

Hi all!

First off, I'd like to say I enjoy Harbinger for the PC a lot. It seems quite solid, and the gameplay is a lot of fun - even if it has a nasty tendency to end abruptly in fiery death.

Now, there's some things I've noticed.

1: When starting a new game, the AI gives info messages. These are nice for the setting, but once you've started ten games, you usually just want to get past them. It's then quite noticeable that the 'start 'next' etc. buttons change location for each click. It might be better to have a fixed location for them, or condensing the various minor messages into one.

2: Information on various weapons and such. (Actually, never mind. While double checking this, I finally noticed the ? for the text description toggle.).

3: The ships lack a certain something to make them more unique. It would be cool if each ship had a 'special' slot with a unique piece of gear that can be upgraded - either a small selection of gear available for each class of ship (Liike an engine booster or accuracy buff for scout ships, a drone/fighter/bomber HP booster for carriers, free (but slow) hull repair for cruisers (or improved fire control systems).. that sort of thing. Something that affects other items on the ship, or basic abilities. This is .. probably something that has been suggested before, and it would be quite a bit of work to make it good, but ... it'd be nice. Smile

4: Ship control, targeting priorities, etc. While playing I notice that I'd love to be able to tweak the AI for weapon mounts, either by assigning them a 'stance' or priorities for point defence, targeting ships, or always closest, etc. Also, especially when controlling only one ship, I can't really see why it shouldn't always be selected for control. Instead it's deselected constantly. Now, it is still somewhat selected for movement (If you have the formation move on if no ship selected thingy) but not for targeting enemies. Also, the focus X weapon on target circle tends to disappear when I click something on it instead of selecting it. (Not always, but it's annoying.).

5: Tradeoffs vs improvements.
Upgrading weapons is cool. However, some of the weapons has tradeoffs while upgrading (MIssiles reload slower if you improve range or accuracy, for instance.). Other improvements are pure improvements, and it's not consistent. Improving missile damage reduces reload speed, but improving projectile shot damage doesn't, for instance. Other things, like nukes and (at least it seems that way) fighters has just one tradeoff. So far, that's fair enough. But it costs the same wether it's a tradeoff or not. That seems .. a bit off, at times. Case in point, missile turret. If you improve damage from 50->70, you get +.2 recharge. If you add a missile, you get 2 missiles with 35 damage each - so the same total damage - but a slew of other, larger penalties as well. (Of course, two missiles are harder to shoot down than one, and increasing the damage then is more effective, so I can see why, but.. it's a fairly situational advantage for all those penalties.

6: Info on fighters etc - their stats, like hull etc - isn't visible anywhere that I can tell. WIthout that kind of info it's kind of hard to tell which point defences are good and which are not. I've guesttimated it to be around 70, though, which is just enough to make it rather useful to upgrade projectile turretts' damage a bit.

PS: I'm writing this after having played the bloody thing for way too long. It's noon and I haven't slept today. Fantastic. I'll blame spelling errors and brain farts on the game. Wink

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  Battlestation: Harbinger now also on Steam!
Posted by: AdmiralGeezer - 03-09-2016, 09:34 AM - Replies (6)

New here? Register and stay up to date and play our new games before anyone else. We want to develop our upcoming games together with you: CLICK HERE

Commanders! We have now released an excellent PC version of Battlestation: Harbinger on Steam. This is the full Extended Edition version, mobile will follow suit with an upcoming update March 17th.

We have now added:
  • An Endless mode for each difficulty level
  • 9 new playable ships
  • A few new turrets and facilities
  • Enhanced AI
  • + Whatever we can manage

Get Harbinger for PC:
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="646" height="190"></iframe>

Open in browser:
Open directly in Steam: Battlestation: Harbinger Steam Store Page</li>

Watching this community grow has been a special time for me, and we will do our best to continue making great games for you in the future.

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  Introduction and idea
Posted by: DecayedParadigm - 03-08-2016, 03:19 AM - Replies (2)

Well hello fellas and perhaps a few stellas I just started this trek out a few days ago and I must admit I enjoy myself each time I boot her up on droid. I finished a run on easy, now trying normal out, but haven't ventured to the 2nd map. Anyway I commend the team here,bravo. Just wanted to add that as a new player I found it hard to fiqure out what was going on lol, maybe a option that shows a glossary of all the different items and info? Just my two sense and I'm quite sure it's been stated before, just wondering about if its been thought of. Pretty cool that ya guys find the time to chat, thank you for the game!

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  More than 6 hangars bug
Posted by: Jonesso - 03-07-2016, 04:24 PM - Replies (1)

once I unlocked the BSE Harbinger it's the only thing I will ever play again but I just found a bug... if you have more than 6 flights of drones/fighters/bombers you can't order all of them to target because the hud only shows 6 of them and hides the last 2 under some of them I hope they will be moved since this is a kinda awkward bug and not often people go for a 8 squad fighter fleet

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