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  Disappearing shots
Posted by: noncom - 02-05-2016, 10:26 AM - Replies (3)

Currently any weapon shot, if misses and reaches its maximum range distance - simply disappears.. This does not look good next to otherwise rather smooth look of the rest of graphics.. Could it be done something about it? Even plain alpha fade would be much better... Of course, it is still very strange for missiles to disappear like that..

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  Negark playing Battlestation: Harbinger on PC.
Posted by: AdmiralGeezer - 02-04-2016, 09:37 PM - Replies (3)

Things are starting to look good! Closing in on a release date now Smile Oh look, there is an "endless" button in the ship select menu there.

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Posted by: noncom - 02-04-2016, 01:03 PM - Replies (3)

What do you think about the prices range?

I find that the prices range is too narrow on scrap - it would be cool if there'd be weapons that cost like 5000 scrap or 10000 or more. Buying any weapons after stage 1 or in the middle of stage 2 is no problem at all. The only slightly expensive weapon is nuke and it's also one of the most useless ones. At the same time, I cannot imagine, what would these weapons be, if the ones we have are already pretty devastating..?

What do you think?

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  Are bombers the ultimate weapon?
Posted by: DeusComedis - 02-01-2016, 11:24 PM - Replies (3)

While there are many powerful turrets, in my experience the game is heavily biased toward carrier ships, especially multi-hangar classes. If you have a fleet of 3 x 2 hangar ships, with a well upgraded (max numbers + range and burst) mix of missile/plasma bombers (I usually do a 4/2 ratio) and basic PD (say two upgraded bolters a piece), and you zone in at a distance from the enemy, you can essentially steamroll anything. You might as well have no main weapons (though if you just use Projectile Cannons your ships are nearly untouchable). The fighters themselves stop nearly all incoming fire either (a) by absorption or (b) smothering with the massive amount of projectiles. Coupled with the fact that they quickly replenish (at no resource cost) and are fast enough to catch anything, no other setup really compares.
- Pure long range is very difficult, as you basically sacrifice any real missile/fighter defense, plus if you are outnumber they will snipe you first!
- A heavily protected close ranged armed option is also not really viable, because you chase the enemy around the whole map while they whittle you away with a damn Projectile Canon, since their are no speed upgrades. Both situations exacerbated by the g-d d-mn shield ignoring missles (in what Newtonian universe does that make sense?).

Essentially on hard mode, especially later maps, there's only one decent option.

Anyone else have similar experiences?

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  Anyone else seeing Game Center forgetting records/ranking?
Posted by: Fragarach - 01-31-2016, 08:51 PM - No Replies

I finally got through Hard a couple of times with a decent score, which was gratifying. I went and checked in Game Center, and as with Easy/Normal I had my ranking, the score was saved there and the same as my record in the game, etc. However, sometime over the next day the entire thing vanished, and went back to showing me as "Not ranked", though the game itself still has my progress. This is kind of depressing after a long, good run. Is anyone else seeing this bug? Known issue?

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  Two new players try out Battlestation: Harbinger on PC!
Posted by: AdmiralGeezer - 01-30-2016, 06:13 PM - Replies (3)

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