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  Few suggestions after 24/7 gameplay
Posted by: crutchmaster42 - 11-10-2020, 06:06 PM - No Replies

Quick fixes.
Mass problems.
1.Mass from blackhole. (1 base metals + 1 carbon = 5 steel plates, 1 raw chem = 5 chem,
5 steel plates + 5 chem = 10 rockets. 3 mass =  10 mass.)
2.Water to blackhole. (0.7 water per food => ~0.2 water from toilet, 0.1 from bio matter,
<0.1 from vapor)
Trade system and economic:
1.Fix buying anything for cheap and useless fabrics or chemicals. Added value of production should be not more 20-40%. (Fibers 100 cr -> Fabrics 24-28 cr + worktime 5-10 cr + energy + tech level 2-5 cr)
2.Separate essential (food, medicals, water, fuel, energy) goods and other. Ships can sell own essential goods and die. I did it.
3.Buy/sell price should not be so high. 10-20% - ok. (120 - sell, 80 - buy)
4.Why no one not using solar panels or production buildings?
I saw one suicidal raid by an alien ship. I saved them all, but they lost their ship.

Suggestions. (not hard to implement)

1. More hazard gases and smoke from refinery and fabricators. Production should be harmful.
2. Hazard gases should be hazard and have corrosive action.
3. Gas scrubbers should be less effective
4. Scanner should work on abandoned ship (showing moving enemies at least)
5. Rockets should do more damage to aliens on abandoned ships
6. Space surviving in is not about finding resources. Space has LOT of resources, huge comets from gigatons of water, ferum and carbon for example. Main problem - refine raw resources and hazard waste.
7. Mineral asteroids spawn, and ai mining.
8. Huge asteroids with deep mining and refinery stations.
9. 1 hour in in hyperspace per jump looks nice. 8 hours - better for me. Option - excellent.
10.Science not about only unlock tech tree, but also about production optimization and upgrades. (solar panels, generators power output, energy capacity of energy storage, production speed or automated production, etc) In late game all scientists useless and go to work haulers. Unlock tech tree should be faster, but not effective production output.
11.Ship weapons:
-mass drivers/railgun (high energy cost, high hull penetrate chance, low damage, ammo from steel plates)
-lasers (high accuracy, high energy cost and heat production, ignore hull and shields heats internals of enemy ship, causes fire)
-EMP beam (high accuracy, high energy cost, medium heat, high damage to shields, drain power from target power sources, disables buildings)
-proton accelerator (high accuracy, high energy cost, produce oxygen, use water as ammo or hydrogen from electrolyser, normal damage to shields, no damage to hull, hurt personnel inside ship, small damage to internal buildings)
12.Personnel weapons and equipment
-Grenades (HE+frag (explosive reaction releases some co2), Incendiary (with oxidizer, work in vaukum), flash, smoke (smoke gones to hull holes and not work in vacuum))
-Ballistic shields
-Sidearms (Carry shotgun/assault rifle + pistol/smg)
-Melee weapon
-First aid packs (boost energy, stop bleed for time)
13.Boost scanner range. He useless now.
14.Automatic switch on/switch off energium generation (based on stored power level)

Hard to implement suggestions.
1.Nuclear reactors, uranium refine, radiation, radiation sickness from damaged nuclear reactor,
surface nuclear wasting and space radiation. RTG heat/electrical source from radioactive waste
(with ~100 day halflife)
2.Transport rollers.
3.Rimworld-like job scheduler. Guys to much walk around instead work.
4.Options for anything, official mod support. It make game MUCH MORE replayable.
5.Offline AI mining, trade, wars, building ships, etc. Universe should live without player.
Player must be part of universe.
6.Drones. Transport, battle, firefighting, scout modifications. (+drone attack trough hull FTL-like)
7.All equipment (blocks) must have guaranteed lifetime. After end of lifetime it should be repaired
with replace spare parts (block) and get old scrap back. Lifetime depends of intensity of work.
Selling used blocks (full price) it is good deal for any trader of course.
8.Trading overhaul. Now they just jump around and buy everything, that they has not.

sorry for mistakes

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  How to get rid of unwanted crew members?
Posted by: furirkeeper - 11-08-2020, 05:31 PM - Replies (1)

I have now come to the point in game when I don't want more crew members. I have a few crew members I would like to get rid of. Is there such a mechanic or are you planning on adding it?
I have seen various creative solutions on forums, killing, eating, composting, abandoning, hypersleep chambers, walking out the airlock. I would not mind the possibility to just fire a member and leaving him/her on a station somewhere.

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  Drafted -> Unconscious -> Not drafted
Posted by: furirkeeper - 11-08-2020, 05:18 PM - Replies (5)

A suggestion regarding the drafting mechanic.
Right now if a crew member is drafted, becomes unconscious and then wakes up again it becomes not drafted. While this is generally fine while on the ship it is very annoying when exploring a derelict. I would very much prefer if while on a derelict they remained drafted after waking up.

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  Crew management suggestion
Posted by: furirkeeper - 11-08-2020, 05:10 PM - No Replies

Hello, and thanks for a good game.
The basic idea behind crew management is good, there are however two things that make crew management more difficult than it needs to be:
1: The Schedule and Priority tabs works great when total crew is around 8. When having more than 8 crew it becomes cumbersome to get a good overview. I suggest scaling down the the space each crew member occupy in these tabs (the crew management).
2: Right now it is tedious to keep track of and make a good schedule for the crew. I suggest a new crew management tab that for each hour of the day specify the highest crew skill "at work" for each skill represented in the game and possibly also how many of that skill that is "at work". Right now this needs to be done manually by switching back and forth between schedule and priorities. With such an overview it would be easy to see if there is a gap in the schedule where some specific skill is not high enough.
For example a table like this showing the maximum skill per hour:
              00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Botany:   2   2   2   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   3   3   3   3   3   3   2   2   2   2   1   1   1   1
Mining:   1   1   1   1   1   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1
There could be different view modes, i.e. max skill, min skill etc. As mentioned it could also be useful to see per hour how many that possess that highest skill per hour.

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  The Good, Bad and Ugly
Posted by: danzig70 - 09-22-2020, 12:57 AM - Replies (4)

The good: I want to thank the developers for a great game. Mechanics seem to work well such as shuttles arriving for away teams that are running low on oxygen. There are many additional examples of good game design.
The bad: Perhaps fuel extraction and usage could be tweeked a bit so that the entire experience isn't about mining for energy crystals.
The ugly: Please find a solution for abandoned player-owned craft. I spent alot of time and resources building a craft and had to leave the sector to find additional resources. Only to find, when returning, a generic pirate craft, player owned with a plethora of crew, instead of the craft I had constructed. I no longer have the craft that I had built and now have many more lives that I have to support. It is not worth the benefit of having the pirate turret, shield and scanner combo because there is no room to install gardens. This is very close to being game-breaking for me, but I can always load a saved game and just move on.
Anyways, overall a great game that is very engaging.

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  Destillery ?
Posted by: Ailab - 09-19-2020, 10:14 AM - Replies (2)

Distillery! The crew want to drink alcohol in the dark space to neutralize all the negative effects for a while (e.g. for 1-2 hours). But if they drinked too much, they would be more aggressive (while they are under alcoholic influence)... Big Grin
What do you think about it?

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